
9/16/20 is the day we decided to start this blog about our journey to FI/RE in San Diego, CA. There are a lot of things going on out there (fires all over the west coast, a hurricane in the south, and of course if you looking at this years later this is the lost year of CO-VID 19) and I feel like people should know that they aren’t the only ones out there feeling a little discouraged when trying to hit their financial independence mark.

If it isn’t already obvious, I live in sunny San Diego. I grew up in north county and love this place as my home. Seriously, I really I don’t know many people that don’t wish to come back (if it wasn’t SOOOOOO EXPENSIVE). In fact, my wife and I were nothing, but homesick for it during our time in Silicon Valley where I spent about 4 years @ a small fruit company ;).

My wife and I were told about the FI/RE movement and have been listening to financial videos and reading on investing for at least 3 years before the beginning of this blog and we continue to listen to financial videos just for fun. We aren’t quite there yet and are only about one-third of the way there (with two kids, planning on three, and no double income for us), but I think this information is probably good for others to know and I would love to share it as we finish the last part of our journey to FI/RE in San Diego from all different directions such as financial, emotional, mentally, and spiritually.